
Monthly Blog: Social Workers share the Importance of the Patient Financial Assistance Fund

Monthly Blog: Social Workers share the Importance of the Patient Financial Assistance Fund

We asked the social workers who apply for financial assistance on behalf of their patients about the important impact this support has for those living with cancer, and here are a few things they wanted to share~

What do you see as the biggest financial needs that cancer patients have?

To alleviate financial toxicity while managing active cancer care. Our patients have a life outside of cancer care; jobs, families, basic needs, transportation needs, etc. This past year, the biggest financial need I’ve seen is access to healthy food options, medical cost and medical equipment and simply Keeping a roof over their head.

What do you tell people, patients & colleagues about this program? 

Cancer Lifeline Patient Assistance Fund(s) offers a once in a lifetime financial assistance reward to alleviate financial barriers for patients so they can focus on nurturing their themselves during a time of some financial relief.

This fund is completely finances by donors in our community. What would you like to say to them?

On behalf of our patients, thank you. $450 doesn’t sound like much help to some, but to our patients it can mean the difference in keeping the heat on, food on the table, very basic human needs. We have young patients 29-45, with young children at home, whose income has been significantly reduced, in jobs that pay far below the Seattle average income. Yet, their expenses haven’t changed. This is truly a lifeline for patients who qualify. THANK YOU!!!! 

Cancer Lifeline turned 50 this year. What would you say about the importance of the financial assistance fund and emotional support services available to cancer patients and their loved ones for another 50 years?

These services are critical. One of the hardest things that anyone has to do is ask for help – it’s wonderful to have a community agency who is able to graciously offer these supports to patients when they have the bravery and impetus to ask for help. The need for emotional support is only getting bigger for our patients, and cost often prevents our patients from accessing supportive resources (counseling especially). I think that by being able to offer free and/or low cost services to patients, a large barrier is being removed to people getting the care that they need. Thanks for all that you do, and for the support that you have offered many.

We thank all of the social workers and healthcare representatives who apply for funding on behalf of their patients that need the financial support. To Learn more about the Patient Financial Assistance Fund, click here