
Tami’s Story

Tami’s Story

I received a shocking call at 8 am on a Friday, the first week of school, Sept 2019, saying I had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL.)  It is a very aggressive cancer, so I was already scheduled to be at the hospital by 11 am that day to begin chemotherapy…. oh, and pack a bag, I wouldn’t be coming home.  Fortunately, the nurses didn’t snicker as I unpacked my curling iron, workout gear, and make-up. I had no idea I would stay in that room until November, and then on and off again until I received a bone marrow transplant in July.  I was exhausted, had no immune system, COVID was raging, and I was facing at least another year in total isolation.  Thankfully Cancer Lifeline came into my life!!!  I signed up for every class offered, even though I was barely conscious many days, just to see another human being.  I am forever grateful that you all became a much-needed LIFELINE.

What I Wish I had known:

I wish I would have known there is no prize for finishing your cancer journey quickly. I totally believed to be strong meant cancer was a battle I needed to fight hard and fast, with a quick return to my “normal” life.  My doctors had warned me I would be tired. I promised myself I would go to bed a little earlier–after running all out during the day.   It wasn’t long before my body revolted.  Rest means to stop.  Our bodies have the miraculous ability to recover but have gone through so much trauma–first with disease and then intense treatments—that a nap is not going to be enough.   Not until I learned to be quiet (sometimes an entire day at a time) did my body truly begin to heal. 

My Favorite Classes:

I have enjoyed all of the classes—and there have been 100s over the years.  The Saturday morning Women’s Support group has been incredible throughout, understanding my demons and tears; now celebrating my joy as I cautiously step back into the world.  Our facilitator, Basha, is an amazing human being overflowing with such empathy and warmth that we are able to build a safe place to tell the stories we oftentimes can’t share with others. Love you all!

The class I never miss is Vital Moves with Meryl.  When I was confined to bed, unable to move, just her smile and the incredible music always summoned the joy of happier days.  As I was recovering, the movements helped clear my lungs, built strength so I could walk again, and even brought my fingers back to life.  She is the first to say she is not a doctor, but she can work miracles!!  Now if only she could teach me which foot is my right and which is my left….