
Cancer Lifeline’s Impact Celebration 2023

Cancer Lifeline’s Impact Celebration 2023

Cancer Lifeline staff hosted our annual Impact Celebration on July 13 at the UW Center for Urban Horticulture. We were fortunate to have perfect weather, which helped to make the early evening event shine even brighter. We gathered to host, recognize and honor our amazing volunteers and facilitators with food, drink and awards for their outstanding contributions with the support of our wonderful sponsors.

I’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating; at Cancer Lifeline, we know that we are only as good as our volunteers & facilitators – and that’s what makes Cancer Lifeline INCREDIBLE, because our team is amazing! All our volunteers – whether Board Directors, Advisory Board members, Lifeline volunteers, or facilitators – bring something special to our organization and help foster a true sense of community whether we are online or able to be in person.  

We’re so grateful to each one of our 80+ volunteers/facilitators for having shared their time, talents, kindness, and love with us and those we serve. If we missed getting to see you in person, please know this: You each have the heartfelt thanks of the staff and I and those we serve, for helping us make Cancer Lifeline the best place for cancer support services and improving the lives of so many individuals affected by a cancer diagnosis.

Read more details in our August 2023 Newsletter