
New Family Workshop Series for Families with Children / Adolescents / Young Adults (ages 6-18)

Home / Cancer Lifeline / New Family Workshop Series for Families with Children / Adolescents / Young Adults (ages 6-18)
New Family Workshop Series for Families with Children / Adolescents / Young Adults (ages 6-18)
Cancer Lifeline introduces a series of workshops for families this Winter at the Dorothy O’Brien Center near Green Lake. From sand play to family songs to dramatic play to storytelling to structure building, we’ll experiment with a variety of forms of creative expression to support family connection, cohesion, and rituals around topics that are sometimes difficult to engage in through oral expression alone.
Topics will include:
  • the ways individual family members experience living with cancer in the family
  • ways to strengthen and support families through the adjustment of existing or the development of new rituals
  • examining the whole family and whole self within the family and placing cancer within a context of family strengths, abilities and dreams
  • enhancing family bonds by reflecting each member’s unique qualities and contributions to the family whole.
Mainly, the workshop will allow families to engage playfully with the challenges they face in a supportive environment, providing some relief and offering some new insights to strengthen internal family resources.
Workshops will be held on Saturdays, Feb. 8, Mar. 14, and Apr. 11 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon at the Dorothy O’Brien Center – 6522 Fremont Ave N.

For full details, please feel free to email Pamela Krueger at  [email protected] with any questions you may have.